Wedding photographer {non-fiction} - photos not fairytales

Wedding photographer of authentic photos & honest coverage. Real life, in all it’s glorious, curious, heart-wrenching beauty.

same-sex different-sex weddings

I do

Authentic Wedding Photos

not fairytales.

Stroud, Gloucestershire, The Cotswolds, Bristol, Bath, London and beyond...

Real life, photographed honestly, in all it’s glorious, curious, heart-wrenching, crazy beauty.

Call it documentary wedding photography, or reportage, or photojournalism.
It’s all the same thing.

You make the photos.

I just take them.


What's the point?



The point is that the pictures are about the day, not vice versa.
I take what I think are interesting wedding pictures which I hope will become more interesting as they, and you, age. 
After all, they’re going to be with you for the rest of your lives - you’re never going to shake these things. It’s your wedding day. Your story.


authentic Wedding Photo of a childs toy


I want to make you cry
in 40 years time.


Yes, the pictures will be good. 
But more importantly they’ll be honest.
Good wedding photos will make you smile when you see them for the first time.
An honest picture has the capacity to make you smile, weep or shake with laughter in 20…30…40… years’ time. 
That’s my aim. 


authentic wedding photograph of bride

Oh, and in case you were wondering ... 

I’m the perfect party guest.
I can fit in anywhere, with anyone.
It’s a social photographer’s most important skill.

On wedding days I’m cheerful, helpful, discreet and well-dressed. 
I don’t drink, smoke, smell bad or fart in public.

I can’t vouch for the other days though.

Sign of a dog during a wedding

I’ll come to your wedding, wander round pointing my cameras at things.
Go click occasionally.
Move on.

I’m just another guest in a dark suit. 
You’ll barely even be aware of me for much of the day. 
It’s the only way to get interesting, surprising, emotionally engaging, authentic pictures.
And after 20 years and 500+ weddings, I’m getting pretty good at it.


honest and authentic black and white wedding photo


Of course, if you want a few formal images of family groups I’d be delighted to do them.
I promise to make them quick, easy and painless for everyone. 
And at some point we might go for a little walk to get a few photographs of the two of you alone. 
But the core of what I do is to observe and record what goes on.
And to add a pinch of my own idiosyncratic style.

For the wedding photos themselves there’s no fancy processing. 
No heavy vignettes. No weird colouration.
Nothing to get in the way.

Just authentic wedding photography, faithfully rendered.



Any questions?


wedding guests dancing authentically photographed in black and white